Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Another proud moment for us!

We are pleased to be part of Fido & Wino's R.O.A.R Squad!  Thank you Shauna!  Here are the links to read and become part of the R.O.A.R. Squad.  Shauna is looking for other rescue owners in the following states:

  • Oklahoma

  • Oregon

  • South Carolina

  • South Dakota- need asap!

  • Wisconsin- need asap!

  • Wyoming- need asap!    

  • So check out

    Happy Faces all around!!!!


    1. Thank you so much for the mention and for taking part in the R.O.A.R. Squad! Your post and your story is an absolute hit :)

      Thanks again and good luck on the World's Ugliest Dog Contest (although we all know she's adorable :))

    2. And now my beautiful furend Cuda, I has awarded you with The Stylish Blogger Award!! Can you believes your pawsome luck?!

      Check it out:

      Big Slurps, HoneyBuzz
